Florida is one of the best locations for Home Solar. The Sunshine State has the ideal solar conditions to keep your system producing year round. Florida home owners have the ability to tap into immediate savings by switching to solar with no upfront costs.

With Stilwell Solar you can go solar right now for $0 down with our Solar financing program. Our experts will work with you to design a solar system that meets your energy demand needs as well as handle permitting, installation, and interconnection. Instead of an ever-rising energy bill paid to your utility company you would be able to pay a fixed locked rate toward the financing of your system. The trend of energy rates has been to steadily rise. As these prices increase your energy bill will be locked in, not effected the rising energy rates.

Stilwell Solar also offers Home Battery Storage ( Battery Backup). With battery storage you can save your excess solar production for when you need it. When the power goes out in your neighborhood you will be able to use the stored battery power to stay up and running. Bundle a home battery with a new solar installation from Stilwell Solar for additional savings.

Not only is Florida a great state for solar panels, it’s also a great place for solar pool heating. The majority of the projects Stilwell Solar installs and maintains are Home Solar Installations and Solar Pool Heating Installations.

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