Understanding Solar Tax Credit Eligibility Requirements

Solar Tax Credit Eligibility Requirements

Solar tax credits are a great way to help offset the cost of adding a system to your home. The current 30% federal solar tax credit began in 2022 and will remain in place through 2032. In 2033, credits begin to decline until they expire in 2035 unless action is taken by Congress. That means…

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Buying a home with solar: What to consider

Buying a home with solar.

Solar panels and solar pool heating systems are becoming common installations on rooftops. For those buying a home with solar installed, navigating the complexities of solar systems in real estate transactions can be daunting. Here, we’ll explore everything you need to consider when buying a solar-equipped home.   When buying a home with solar installed,…

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Is solar safe for your home and family?

Solar on the roof of a home.

Is solar safe? The short answer is yes. The long answer is there has been a lot of work to ensure solar and all its associated systems on your home can operate without you having to give them a second thought. That is especially true when you use experts with experience and knowledge about the…

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Solar battery storage helps keep the lights on

Solar battery storage on the side of a house.

Solar battery storage helps keep the electricity in your home flowing even when the sun isn’t shining. Integrating a battery system into your home solar setup helps you store energy to power your home even when the sun isn’t shining. Solar panels often generate more energy than is immediately needed. With a solar battery storage…

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Can an HOA Deny Solar Panels?

Solar panels on a group of homes.

If you live in an HOA, you may be wondering; can an HOA deny solar panels? Homeowner’s associations are known for having rules dictating what your property looks like and how you can change it. That often includes an approval process that can end with you not being able to make changes. When it comes…

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How do you repair a roof that has solar panels

How do you repair a roof that has solar panels?

When you have solar panels on your roof, you may wonder what happens when you need to repair or replace your roof. You can still get your new roof or repairs. It just takes more time and consideration. Whether you are just repairing part of your roof or replacing it entirely, you want to consult…

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When shopping for rooftop solar, keep it local

Image of rooftop solar panels.

When you are shopping for rooftop solar, there are a lot of options to choose from. You may have learned about the prospect of solar for your home through a salesperson knocking on your door. Unfortunately, people are learning that some large solar companies and door-knocking salespeople aren’t always selling what you expect. According to…

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Home solar panel positioning for maximizing efficiency

Home solar panel positioning.

Home solar panel positioning can impact how well your system performs. By ensuring that your panels are facing the correct direction, you can maximize their time in the sun and the amount of sunshine that hits them directly. The good news is you don’t have to figure this out for yourself. The experts at Stilwell…

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Home solar power myths debunked

Home solar panels being hit by bright sunlight.

Home solar power myths make it hard to know whether solar for your home is the right decision. Knowing what is and isn’t true about adding solar to your home should make your decision easier. Here are some commonly misunderstood aspects of home solar. Myth 1: Solar Panels Are Excessively Expensive One of the most…

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Environmental benefits of solar energy

Solar panels on the roof of a home with a pool, providing environmental benefits.

The environmental benefits of solar energy are part of what makes solar an excellent investment for your home. Not only can you save money but also you can increase the value of your home while at the same time helping protect the planet. Here are a few of the ways solar energy has a positive…

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